AirMech lacks an item shop during a match instead players have to customize their AirMechs prior to the start of battle by equipping them with pilots, items, parts, and customizing the loadout of units that can be deployed. The AirMechs, or heroes in this game, can transform into an airborne form that allows them to fly around the map and engage enemies in dogfights which obviously warrants a fast-paced gameplay focused on strafing and performing evasive maneuvers. Aside from the usual creep spawn, players can reinforce their numbers by purchasing units from the fortress which also serves as the team’s primary structure. Here are some of the other games in the genre that you might find interesting, along with what makes them different from the familiar DotA 2 and LoL:ĪirMech is different from DotA 2 and LoL as it incorporates mechanics from other game genres namely real-time strategy and shooter games. The Best Games Like Dota 2 – Top MOBA’s in 2017 If you want to read an article that details the differences between DotA 2 and LoL, click here. DotA 2 and League of Legends (or LoL / League) are the two reigning juggernauts of the genre, retaining most of the basics that made MOBA a great genre but adding their own twists to it. The exciting and action-packed gameplay of the genre paved the way for the creation of many other games.

The teams of opposing heroes engage in a tug-of-war battle composed of skirmishes, ambushes, and decisive clashes through multiple lanes guarded by towers, and these said heroes are strengthened with the use of different items or customizations. The objective of a match is the destruction of the enemy team’s primary structure, and aiding the players on this is the regularly spawning group of computer-controlled forces called creeps. MOBA games put the player in control of a unique character, usually called a hero, equipped with a set of skills that fit the said character’s purpose. Eventually the map was handed to Icefrog, and the constant release of updates sealed DotA’s popularity. Many other modders made their own version of the map, but it was Steve “Guinsoo” Freak who came up with the best incarnation out there named DotA Allstars.

The map was Defense of the Ancients, and it offered the same basic mechanics of Aeon but with massive improvements. Warcraft III soon followed, and its highly complex map editor allowed the creation of better maps including the next generation Aeon of Strife.Īeon of Strife inspired a modder named Eul to create a similar game on Warcraft III’s editor. The bare basics of MOBA were found there, from the spawning creeps to the selection of hero characters. The genre first appeared in the classic Blizzard real-time strategy game Starcraft in the form of a custom map named Aeon of Strife. However, if you are not well-versed with this new genre then let me give you a short introduction: If you are quite familiar with the genre and its two most popular games namely DotA 2 and League of Legends, then there are many other games that spawned from the genre and with wildly different mechanics. The multiplayer online battle arena genre has taken the gaming world by storm.